Clear Lake FFA
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Mr. Travis Neill

Howdy! My name is Travis Neill and I grew up in Houston, TX. I attended Clear Brook HS where I was involved in my FFA chapter, which led to my desire to be an agriculture science teacher. In May of 2021, I graduated from Texas A&M University with a bachelor's degree in animal science. After spending some time substitute teaching in Arlington, TX I got the opportunity to become the third full time teacher at Clear Creek High School! It's very exciting to teach in an all Aggie ag department. In my free time, I have a million hobbies, but most important are traveling, getting outdoors, going to the movies, and taking care of my many house plants!

Classes I teach:

Principles of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources

Professional Standards in Agribusiness

Livestock Production

Advanced Animal Science


Barn Hours: Wednesday (3:30-6:30PM) - other hours upon request



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