Clear Lake FFA
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Secretary - Denise Alvarado

LDE/CDE Experience: I have participated in LDE Greenhand Quiz and would like to participate in the Vet Team for my senior year in FFA.


Supervised Agricultural Experience Programs:  My first year in FFA I raised my first CCISD goat.


Campus Activities: Only FFA


Hobbies: My hobbies are exercising, spending time with friends and family, and spending time with my project animal.


Favorite Color: My favorite color is purple.


Favorite Class: My favorite class is Veterinary Medical Applications. 


Favorite Books: I have not read enough books to determine my favorite, but the closest to my favorite book is Animals in Translation.


Favorite Memory: My favorite memories are anytime I have spent quality time with my family on holidays, vacations and birthdays. 


Favorite Achievement:  My favorite achievement is becoming the person I am today, everyday I have the opportunity to become a better version of myself. 
























































































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